A fallacy is a statement or argument that seems true when it’s not. There are twelve different kinds of fallacies that can be divided by into manipulation through language, manipulation through emotions, and manipulation through distractions.
Manipulation through language
1. Word ambiguity: vague undefined words
2. Misleading euphemism: makes something sound positive
3. Prejudicial language: loaded words that convey bias
Manipulation through emotions
4. Appeal to fear: persuade by arousing fear
5. Appeal to pity: persuade by arousing pity
6. Appeal to false authority: persuade by using a fake or inappropriate authority
7. Appeal to bandwagon: persuade by appealing to the wisdom of a popular opinion
8. Appeal to prejudice:
a. Personal attack: attack on personal character
b. Poisoning the well: prejudice others against a person
Manipulation through distraction
9. Red herring: instead of providing a claim, diverts attention into other issues
10. Pointing to another wrong: distracts from admitted wrongdoing by claiming similar actions went unnoticed or unpunished
11. Straw man: strong replica of an opposing argument, then destroy it
12. Circular reasoning: repeating the same conclusion in different word
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